• Welcome to Castlematic Fleet Management Solutions
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Our Mission

At Castlematic, we are committed to promoting sustainable transportation and reducing fuel consumption. We believe that by leveraging advanced technology, such as GPS devices, we can make a significant impact on the environment while improving road safety.

What We Offer

We provide innovative solutions that empower fleet managers and individual drivers to monitor and improve their driving behavior. Our GPS devices accurately detect various driving violations, allowing you to address them promptly.

Key Features

Fuel Efficiency Monitoring

By analyzing driving patterns and detecting harsh acceleration, sudden braking, and excessive idling, our GPS devices help you identify inefficient driving habits that waste fuel. By addressing these behaviors, you can significantly reduce your fleet's fuel consumption and lower your carbon footprint.

Eco-Driving Training

We offer comprehensive eco-driving training programs that utilize real-time data from our GPS devices. These programs provide drivers with personalized feedback, coaching, and recommendations to encourage sustainable driving practices. By optimizing driving techniques, your drivers can contribute to a greener environment while also improving their safety on the road.

Safety Enhancement

Our GPS devices not only detect fuel-wasting behaviors but also help identify potentially dangerous driving habits. By monitoring harsh turns, aggressive acceleration, and excessive speeding, you can proactively address unsafe practices and promote a culture of responsible driving, ensuring the safety of your fleet and other road users..

Performance Analysis

Our intuitive analytics dashboard provides valuable insights into driver performance and fleet-wide trends. By visualizing data related to fuel consumption, driving violations, and overall efficiency, you can track your progress, set targets, and make informed decisions to optimize your operations continually.

The Environmental Impact

By adopting our GPS devices, you can actively contribute to reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment. By promoting sustainable driving habits, you can achieve significant fuel savings, reduce vehicle maintenance costs, and improve air quality in your community.

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Questions? Give us a call!

+44 73961 78931 / +91 96527 56000